Charities we support
The main charitable work supported is that of Eric and Sandra Read, who are missionaries in the Philippines. Over £3,000 is raised annually from donations by members of the congregation.
We also have been able to honour our commitment to pay £250 to each of five local charities. Every year the longest supported charity is replaced with a new charity, that is local and relatively small. In 2024 we supported:
- WECAN … a team of supporters for children living with disability or additional needs, and helping the parents with regular activities for the children.
- Safe Families…a Christian charity affiliated to all denominations which offers support, friendship and connection when life becomes hard for a family for whatever reason.
- West End Refugee Service …has been receiving regular help from us for many years, appeals being made for clothing or toys, or items for Christmas etc.
- Disability North … promoting inclusion, independence and choice for disabled people and their families by providing information, advice and support on any aspect of disability.
- Tynedale Hospice at Home …provides end =of-life care and support to patients in their homes, where they are most comfortable and feel their best.
Other charities, including the Children’s Society, are supported by special fundraising events such as Coffee mornings, and services at Christmas. Money for charities is also collected at weddings and funerals.