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Our Choir
We are a small choir currently consisting of just 10 members who lead worship – both formal and informal – each Sunday at 10.00am and also special events and seasonal services. We also perform concerts, sing at weddings, and enjoy singing with other local choirs.
We practice for one hour at 7.00pm on a Thursday weekly and also meet on Sundays at 9.15am, just before the 10.00am service. The choir is open to all, regardless of previous experience or ability. We are a friendly and welcoming group and occasionally enjoy social events.
We are led by Warren Smith, our Director of Music and Organist, who has a wealth of experience.

Above all we enjoy wonderful fellowship. No auditioning is required, just a desire to sing together; so come along to church any Thursday evening or have a word with either one of the Clergy or Choir members.
The Norman tower of St. Mary’s houses a fine ring of eight bells. The millennium ring of six was augmented to eight bells in 2018 with the installation of two new trebles to complete the octave.

We have an enthusiastic band of ringers and our Thursday practice is well supported by ringers from local towers. Our ringers are all members of the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Association of Church Bellringers. The bells are a popular choice for visiting touring bands from all over the country and even as far afield as North America.
Sunday Service Ringing 9.30 – 10.00 am
Thursday Practice Night 7.30 – 9.00 pm
Mothers’ Union
Mothers’ Union, Ponteland Branch
Once or twice, I have been asked if MU is just a bunch of women sitting around drinking tea or coffee and looking at one another’s photos of grandchildren/pets/prize dahlias etc. so here goes….
The Mothers’ Union is an international Christian charity that seeks to support families worldwide. Its members are not all mothers or even all women, as there are many parents, men, widows, singles and grandparents involved in its work.
Here in Ponteland our members support a local women’s refuge where there can be, and usually are,16 families comprising women and children, escaping domestic abuse. This year we provided Christmas lunch plus additional teatime treats for each individual family in the refuge. We are also supporting the building and equipping of a Sensory Room for the children who arrive at the refuge, often terrified, traumatised and bewildered having witnessed things that no child should ever see.
So, we’re worldwide, we’re local and we’re very friendly, why not come and check us out?
Lynne Henderson
Branch Leader
Ponteland Mothers’ Union

Rainbows is all about developing self-confidence, building friendships, learning new things and having fun.
Girls get their hands dirty with arts and crafts, get in touch with nature and play games, it’s all about learning by doing.
Rainbows follow a diverse and engaging programme and can take part in lots of different activities with girls their own age. (5-7years old)
To register your daughter or to volunteer go to www.girlguiding.org.uk
6th Ponteland (St Mary’s) Rainbows 6-7pm on Thursday during term times

Brownies is the next stage up from Rainbows where the girls develop and extend their skills. More information can be obtained using the following links :
This is a general link for Girl Guiding
Girlguiding | The Leading UK Charity for Girls & Young Women | Girlguiding
This is for any volunteers looking to join us
Become a volunteer | Girlguiding
And for young girls wanting to enrol
Register your daughter | Girlguiding
Ponteland Brownies meet every Friday during term times between 6 and 7.30 p.m.